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Sex and Pregnancy

4.6 ( 1546 ratings )
اللياقة الصحية &
المطور: Nine Dimensions
1.99 USD

★★★ Reviews ★★★

"Most complete guide for your sexual urge during pregnancy." —PregnancyAdvisor

"Cant be better than this" —AskParent

"Comprehensive, rich, profound and statistical" —BabyMag

★★★ Feature Highlights ★★★

★ DashBoard View ★
Provides overall summary of your pregnancy progress and sexual life with charts including to do list.

★ Guide ★
We created guide to advise you on all aspects of sex during pregnancy. It covers emotional, physical changes, partner reactions, sex positions, hygiene, erotic desires, partner approach, tips, precautions, resources for everything else. It has exclusive details about sex during each trimester exploring all dimensions.

★ Week By Week Progress ★
Provides weekly progress details for baby and mother including weight gain, baby weight and length, tips and advise for partner.

★ Sexual Positions ★
Only safe sex positions are shown as per your pregnancy progress so that one do not risk anything for baby.

★ Calculators ★
Ovulation Calculator: Provides you fertile windows on basis of your period date.
Due Date Calculator: Calculates due date on your period date.
Weight Gain Calculator: Provides you details about weight gain as per trimester and your Body Mass Index.

★ F.A.Q ★
We have covered exhaustive list of frequently asked questions, doubts and normal situations.